Jean-Michel Boursiquot is professor of ampelography at Montpellier SupAgro (formerly the National School of Agronomy of Montpellier). An internationally recognized expert in the description and determination of wine-growing species (ampelography), he had to prepare in 24 hours a course on a compulsory subject: "how can the genetic resources of the vine be used in the perspective of change? climate? ".
Researcher at INRA field of Vassal, Jean-Michel Boursiquot is also the scientific and technical director of the plant material department of the French Institute of Vine and Wine. An agronomist and oenologist graduated from ENSAM, he defended his thesis in 1987.

The Speakers
Session I - biology and behavior of chenin blanc in a changing environment
Jean-Michel Boursiquot

Valérie Gondrain
Virginie Gondrain is a Lab Technician at the IFV (French Wine and Vine Institute) and works with the Val de Loire-Centre branch. Her work and research focusses on the safeguarding, the selection and creation of grape varieties.

Etienne Goulet is the IFV's Regional manager for the Val de Loire branch. He is responsible for the safeguarding, the promotion and the development of his sector whilst taking into account the differents opportunities and constraints of the environment and adapting to them.
Etienne Goulet

Dr. Johan Burger

Olivier Zekri

Lilian Bérillon
Lilian Bérillon comes from a 3 generation wine nursery family. He took over the family estate in 1998. In 2007, he was selling millions of vines.Yet, he decided to redirect the family business to the sale of rare plant material that could withstand disease and climate change. Convinced supporter of organic and biodynamic, he is now recognized as one of the pioneers of the French wine revival. Lilian Bérillon is also known for the book "the day when there will be no more wine" that he co-signs with the journalist Laure Gasparotto.
Johan Burger is Professor and ex-Chair of the Genetics Department at Stellenbosch University. He has a PhD in Microbiology (Molecular Plant Virology) from the University of Cape Town and has since 1991 been managing research as Principle Investigator at the Agricultural Research Council, the CSIR and Stellenbosch University. During his early research career, his research group was responsible for the first genetic modification of potatoes, tomatoes and maize in South Africa. His current research is focussed on the molecular characterisation of plant-pathogen interactions, and his research group is internationally recognised for their work on the aetiology of virus and virus-like diseases of grapevine and fruit crops, high-throughput sequencing of grapevine and fruit tree viromes, the development of PCR-based diagnostics of plant virus and virus-like pathogens, genome sequencing of grapevine cultivars, and the application of genome editing technologies in grapevine and other crop plants. He also serves on the management committees of a number of local and international professional associations, the board of CPGR, and for more than ten years as a member of the Advisory Committee of the GMO Act of South Africa.
A viticulturist advisor, specialized in grafting process, Olivier Zekri is an Innovations & Process Manager at Pépinières Mercier, one of the biggest grapevines nursery in the world. Before that, he traveled to India and Argentina in order to gain new viticulture experience.